Every year our goal is to make an impact on the community we serve and ensure that people benefit from our mission to bring about the sustained regeneration, improvement, and management of the physical environment, by empowering people, businesses, and organizations to promote environmental, economic, and social well-being.
“Growth” was our word of the year in 2021—we were proud to grow our programming, our team, and most importantly our impact while overcoming the ongoing effects of the pandemic. Click here to read our 2021 Annual Review to learn more! We want to thank our incredible volunteers, supporters, and program participants, who enabled us to live up to our goals to educate, engage, and revitalize!
“I got to learn how to improve the city. I also got to see new people and their culture, it was a great experience all around”
- Raymil, GWB youth participant
Mid Year Review
With everyone at home for the better part of 2020 Groundwork Bridgeport altered our approach and continued to offer opportunities for youth to stay engaged and learning about their community. By way of Zoom and Google Suite we delivered a learning experience that was conversational, informative, and interactive.
“I really loved the program and all that it had to give. More youth need to know about it because I think they would join and love it too!”
During 2019 Groundwork Bridgeport made an impact throughout the state of Connecticut and worked toward becoming Groundwork Connecticut (CT) so that our model for physical and social regeneration can impact communities throughout the state of Connecticut.
“Plants play a big role in the appearance of this city. I think the planting of certain plants could really have a strong effect.”
“I stay involved because of the ability/opportunity to deepen my knowledge of botany and landscape architecture while still having fun.”
During 2018 we improved our year-round youth program to reflect our belief that youth should be participating in the design and the design-making of outdoor spaces, established a botanical and community learning garden we can utilize for hands-on environmental education and formed new partnerships with organizations including the Nature Conservancy of Connecticut, Paperseed Foundation, Gateway National Recreation Area, Harvard's Graduate School of Design and Rivers, Trails, Conservation Assistance (RTCA) program of the National Park Service. These accomplishments contributed to measurable growth and helped us to better achieve our environmental stewardship goals.
“Tanner and Christina, thank you for always being the highlight of my week. This program isn’t just informational but one that I prosper in and develop relationships. Without you these experiences would not be possible.”
“If you join Groundwork they send you places…cool places that you thought you would never go to. I never thought I would go to Yellowstone in my life. I knew it was a thing but I never thought I would go. The 8 days we were there was really amazing…the work they had us do and the background was so beautiful. People had horses and we saw pronghorns and your on a volcano too!