Christina Smith
The passion I have for Bridgeport, Connecticut stems from the happiness I had as a child growing up here. I was born in Bridgeport and lived here until I was twelve when my mom moved so that we could be in a better place. As the adult, she was concerned about the many issues the city was then facing in the late 80s, as a child, I only saw the happy things - I had many friends, I loved school, Christmases were fun, and overall things were great.
Now as an adult myself, I understand the concern my mom had for me growing up in Bridgeport. I see the issues she saw then so long ago and that still face the city today. I have had the fortune to live in many other places since my childhood, New York, San Francisco, and London to name a few, but Bridgeport is my home and I am happy to be working to make my hometown better. I am especially happy to be working with youth so that their memories and experiences in the city are as happy as those that I remember. With the academic experience I have gained from Princeton (B.A. in Economics) and my most recent studies in how to better cities (M.Sc. in Urban Regeneration from University College London) and how cities can reuse their old buildings for new purposes (M.A. in Historical and Sustainable Architecture from New York University), I am ready to apply that knowledge to my hometown. My goal is to be part of making Bridgeport a place that people love to be!
Tanner Burgdorf
As the Deputy Director for Groundwork Bridgeport I have had the opportunity to support staff and organizational operations aimed at changing the perception of the city and increasing stewardship of its physical environment. While earning my B.S. degree in Landscape Architecture from the University of Connecticut (UConn) I helped manage UConn’s student run farm. This is where I first started to fall for being outdoors, growing, and managing a place. More recently I earned a Master of Environmental Management (MEM) from Yale School of the Environment with a focus on cities and urban sustainability. I am thrilled to get back in the fold here at Groundwork Bridgeport where we contribute to urban sustainability while involving our local residents, especially youth, in the process!
Jessica Rosario
Youth Programs coordinator
Growing up in Bridgeport myself, I always knew this was a city with great potential. I graduated from UConn in 2022 with degrees in Sociology and Psychology and returned to coordinate a youth program at Reservoir Community Farm with Green Village Initiative. That time inspired my first children’s book, Harvest Heroes, and ignited my passion for educating and empowering youth in the city. As Youth Program Coordinator at Groundwork, I am excited to continue my journey of community building and bringing environmental education to the youth of Bridgeport.
In my free time I love to stay outdoors any way that I can or relax inside with reading and lots of crocheting.